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Bylvay provides early and sustained reductions in pruritus

All images are actor portrayals.

PFIC: Pruritus

In the PEDFIC trials, cholestatic pruritus was measured using the PRUCISION™ ObsRO scale1,2

  • A validated 5-point scale from 0 (“No scratching”) to 4 (“Worst possible scratching”)
  • Scratching scores were recorded twice daily by an observer
  • All patients had medium to severe cholestatic pruritus at baseline (ObsRO score ≥2)
smile smile

A reduction of ≥1 point is a meaningful score change in cholestatic pruritus2

Consider what even a small reduction in pruritus could mean for your patients with PFIC.

Primary endpoint: Change in cholestatic pruritus.

PEDFIC 2 is an ongoing open-label extension trial. Data shown are interim data.


Little to no scratching achieved with Bylvay1

At Week 241

 More than

1 out of 3

pruritus assessments achieved a score of ≤1*

PFIC-Pruritus-img-scratchin PFIC-Pruritus-img-scratchin

35% with Bylvay 120 mcg/kg/day (n=23)*

30% on Bylvay 120 mcg/kg/day (n=19)

vs 13% with placebo (n=20)

Through Week 483

More than

4 out of 10

pruritus assessments achieved a score of ≤1

PFIC-Pruritus-img-scratchingYesNo-DT PFIC-Pruritus-img-scratchingYesNo-DT

44% of Bylvay patients treated for 48 weeks (n=71)

66% and 84%

of patients experienced a ≥1-point improvement in pruritus at weeks 48 and 96, respectively—a clinically meaningful score change (n=71, n=19)2,4‡

*Mean difference vs placebo (95% CI): Bylvay 40 mcg/kg/day: 22.2 (4.7, 39.6); Bylvay 120 mcg/kg/day: 16.9 (-2.0, 35.7). N=62.     
Data are the combination of weeks 45-48 and weeks 37-48. Subjects are counted only once. All patients were transitioned to Bylvay 120 mcg/kg/day at 24 weeks. N=111.5  
Reduction from baseline pruritus score at last available assessment up to weeks 85-96. This pooled analysis covers the period from the first-ever dose of odevixibat in PEDFIC 1 or PEDFIC 2 through January 31, 2022. N=111.

*Mean difference vs placebo (95% CI): Bylvay 40 mcg/kg/ 
day: 22.2 (4.7, 39.6); Bylvay 120 mcg/kg/day: 16.9 (-2.0, 
35.7). N=62. 
Data are the combination of weeks 45-48 and weeks 
37-48. Subjects are counted only once. All patients were 
transitioned to Bylvay 120 mcg/kg/day at 24 weeks. 
Reduction from baseline pruritus score at last available assessment up to weeks 85-96. This pooled analysis covers the period from the first-ever dose of odevixibat in PEDFIC 1 or PEDFIC 2 through January 31, 2022. N=111.

Bylvay reduced cholestatic pruritus early and over time6

Change in Scratching Score: PEDFIC 1 Through PEDFIC 2 Week 726


Change in Scratching Score: PEDFIC 1

Change in Scratching Score: PEDFIC 2 Week 726

Reductions in cholestatic pruritus were seen as early as week 4 and sustained through week 966

Primary endpoint: Change in cholestatic pruritus as measured by proportion of positive pruritus assessments.

PEDFIC 2 is an ongoing open-label extension trial. Data shown are interim data.1,7,8

ObsRO=observer-reported outcomes; PFIC=progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis.


  1. Bylvay Prescribing Information. Boston, MA: Albireo Pharma, Inc.; 2023.
  2. Gwaltney C, Ivanescu C, Karlsson L, Warholic N, Kjems L, Horn P. Validation of the PRUCISION instruments in pediatric patients with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. Adv Ther. 2022;39:5105-5125.
  3. Data on file A4250-ISE_T112_Pru Score Prured. November 10, 2022. Boston, MA: Albireo Pharma, Inc.
  4. Data on file A4250-ISE_T132_Pru Chg Prured. November 14, 2022. Boston, MA: Albireo Pharma, Inc.
  5. Data on file A4250-008. Boston, MA: Albireo Pharma, Inc.
  6. Data on file PEDFIC 1 and 2 Figure Pru and sBA. 2022. Boston, MA: Albireo Pharma, Inc.
  7. Thompson RJ, Arnell H, Artan R, et al. Odevixibat treatment in progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis: a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;7:830-842.
  8. An open-label extension study to evaluate long-term efficacy and safety of A4250 in children with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis types 1 and 2 (PEDFIC 2). NCT03659916. Updated October 12, 2022. Accessed April 23, 2023.